Welcome to Pangea Developer Community! 👋

Welcome to the new Pangea Developer Community!

Here you’ll find discussions around feature requests, bug reports, instructions on implementation, cool projects being built using Pangea, and more!

For those just starting out, and those looking to start over, here are a few things to get you going:

  • :mag: Search before opening a new topic, as someone might have already created a topic.
  • :page_with_curl: Our Docs are a great source of information and provide answers to many of the questions around implementing and using Pangea services
    *:speaking_head: Post in our Introduction thread and tell us bit about yourself (what technologies you work with, favorite movies, hilarious gifs, etc.)!
  • :scientist: Visit the Show & tell category to see what others are creating with Pangea and to post your project(s)
  • :busts_in_silhouette: Check out our Community Guidelines

In addition to the discussions here, there are other ways to get in touch:

Thank you for being a part of the Pangea Dev Community and we look forward to the days, weeks, and months ahead!

-Romana Vasyleha


glad to be here romana !