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Hi, I have the following question below:

  1. Is the redact API capable of redacting images? I am curious to explore that use case more in depth, as I have a hackathon idea around it.


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Hi @JonathanSolves, the Pangea’s Redact API focuses on text data and works to eliminate sensitive information like names, addresses, and social security numbers.

If your idea involves redacting text overlayed on images (like captions or watermarks), you could potentially explore using Pangea’s Redact API in combination with other tools. Like you can use OCR to extract the text, pass the extracted text through Pangea’s Redact API to remove sensitive information and overlay the redacted text back onto the image.


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Awesome thanks for the info @echoaadarsh, will look deeper into this.


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Is it possible to add Roblox and Discord as a login/sign-up for Pangea Console?

Roblox Auth: OAuth 2.0 Overview | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
Discord Login: Discord Developer Portal